Guardini’s Intellectual Pedigree

In 1912, Guardini matriculated at the University of Freiburg in order to pursue a doctorate in theology. When it came time to pick a dissertation topic (1920), Guardini moved to the University of Bonn in order to write his “Habilitationschrift on “The theory on the illumination of the mind, the gradations of being and the influence of the senses and mind’s movement and meaning for the structure of Bonaventure’s system.” During his two years in Bonn, Guardini also studied with the moral theologian Fritz Tillmann, became friends with the art historian Paul “Clemen and entered into intellectual exchanges with the phenomenologist Max Scheler (1874-1928) in Cologne together with the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber (18178-1965 in Frankfurt am Main. Further on, Guardini stayed in touch with Young people in Juventus.. He speedily wrote his thesis on Bonaventure on the topic of salvation and was awarded his habilitation in 1925

The breakthrough for the start of Guardini’s teaching creer occurred in the summer of 1922 when he lectured on the nature of the church at the national conference of the Catholic Academic Association. In late 1922 these lectures were published as “The Church the Catholic. with great success.

During this time, he developed a friendship with Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) and also Joseph Frings, future Cardinal of Cologne (who will be most important in recognizing the Guardini footprint in the young Joseph Ratzinger, and the future effect that will have on the development of thought in the writing of the Second Vatican Council. For this, see at length Vol. 1 of Peter Seewald, “A Life,” chapters 28 to the end (32). This is a most important read for understanding the historical narrative of Vatican II For a most comprehensive, in depth and historical orientation on Guardini’s background, culture and intellectual sources, See “Romano Guardini , A Precursor,” Robert A. Krieg, C.S.C. UND Press. (1997).

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