Musk is right: we need to extend consciousness so that we can learn to ask the right question. The answer is already given, which is creation – the concrete created world before us. And the question that we have to learn is: “Are you he who is to come or shall we look for another?” (Mt. 11, 3) And the answer is the very search. For, to search is to be out of self, to be on the look out, to give the self. And to give the self is to be the Son of the Father. I would not be searching if I did not already know. It is the Love from Father Who moves me to seek the Son.

All of this makes sense since I have been created in the image and likeness of the Father and the Son. That is, I have been created constitutively relational. If I experience myself as searching and therefore relational, I experience myself as Son. And since, like is known by like, I know Him who is Son because I have become Son. I know Christ by knowing and becoming myself.

The core of Elon Musk’s mind is taken from Douglas Adam’s “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” The core is seeking answers to the deepest questions, which translates as asking the right question of the one given answer which is the universe (galaxy) itself. Says Musk” “i took from the book that we need to extend the scope of consciousness so that we are better able to ask the questions about the answer which is the universe.”

Go go to Ratzinger’s Introduction to Christianity, section 6 and 7 to verify that the question John the Baptist sends by messengers to Christ, Are you He who is go come….?” must become our very question. That answer to our question is the very world before us because we have to learn that Jesus is the meaning of the man and the world. And for magisterial verification of that go to Gaudium et Spres #22 (the meaning of Jesus Christ as the meaning of man and the world).

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