First Thoughts at 6.00 a.m. on May 17, 2024, Anniversary of the Beatification of St. Josemaria Escriva: “To be = to be in relation: To be who one is means to be out of self and to be out of self = to find oneself = to be “another Christ.”.

And the reason why one must be our of self: the Father is the action of the Father engendering the Son, and we, images of the Son, must always be in the act of being engendered and engendering the others. Therefore, human reality is a dance of relations.

In the homily , given by John Paul II during the Mass, he emphasized how our Founder preached untiringly, “with supernatural intuition… the universal call to holiness and the apostolate. Christ calls everyone to become holy in the realities of everyday life. Hence, work too is a means of personal holiness and apostolate when it is done in union with Jesus Christ, for the Son of God, in the Incarnation, has united himself, in a way, with the whole reality of man and with the whole of creation. In a society in which an unbridled craving for material tings turns them into idols and cause of separation from God, the new Blessed reminds us that these same realities, created by God and the product of human industry, if used correctly for the glory of the Creator and the service of one’s brothers and sisters can be a way for men and women to meet Christ. “All the things of the earth, including the earthly and temporal activities of men, must be directed to God.” (John Paul II, Homily May 17, 1992).

Recall that only persons “work.” Machines don’t work. animals don’t work. Persons work in that the person makes the gift of himself to another. Only persons are “I.”The product of that gift is the person himself and the subdued part of creation that the person offers. Such is the dignity of human work.

The prototype of human work is the Son of God the Father who, in subduing His human will, makes the gift of Himself in obedience on the Cross. That is the meaning of all work, and the reason the Mass is the center of all human work. This is the meaning of the common priesthood of the baptized laity and the reason any activity of man that is work is a priestly activity as mediation of self to the Father.

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